Cage Diving With Crocodiles In South Africa

Cage Diving with Crocodiles

Last Updated on May 6, 2021

Crocodiles have a bite pressure of over two tons per square inch — or four times that of a Great White Shark ….

Does knowing that make you want to get in a cage and be put in the same water with one?

Crazy as it sounds, it didn’t make us not want to.

Not For The Faint Of Heart

Let us begin by pointing out that cage diving with crocodiles is not for the faint-hearted. It is the closest you can get to swimming with crocodiles, without being eaten. These crocodiles are 4m long Nile crocodiles,  the second-largest reptile in the world after the saltwater crocodile. Being in the water with the crocodiles really shows the predatory nature and strength they have underwater since on land crocodiles can appear sluggish.

Cage Diving with Crocodiles in South Africa

Cage Diving With Crocodiles

We had experienced the thrill of shark cage diving while in South Africa and were excited when we heard of the chance to get up close to crocodiles. The only place you can have this experience in South Africa is at Cango Ranch in Oudtshoorn, an hour’s drive off the coast of South Africa’s Eastern Cape.

You climb into a cage and are lowered by a crane into the clear water that is home to five crocodiles. You will get so close that you will be able to see their unmanicured toenails. How is that for a visual?

You will want to wear the goggles you are offered as it helps your visibility a lot. We tried with and without the goggles and found that the goggles did provide MUCH better visibility underwater.

Cage Diving with Crocodiles in South Africa

The Cage

We were told the cage would protect us from the crocodiles. The cages are designed to be able to withstand the power of a crocodile, which has a bite pressure of over two tons per square inch. Comparatively, a crocodile has 4 times the bite of a Great White Shark!

The deepest part of the pool is 2m, so you have plenty of space in the cage to stand with your head above the water if needed, though all the action is underwater!

Underwater cameras are allowed in the cage with you.

The cage swayed from side to side as the crane lifted it into the water. Gentle enough, but also enough to make you feel like you were being placed in the water as crocodile food. After all, how could the swaying cage not catch the attention of a crocodile? It was like the crocodiles were being invited for dinner.

As you are lowered down it is hard to not imagine what could happen if you were to not listen to the safety instructions: keep all of your body inside the cage at all times.

The four-meter-long Nile crocodiles want to know what you are. Coming right up to the cage, the Crocodiles will follow your every move. Being able to glide so fast through the water, a human would never be able to out-swim a Crocodile. The eye contact with each crocodile was intense. You could feel the power of each crocodile as they moved powerfully through the water, following your every move. It even felt like they were a step ahead at all times like they could read what way you would move next.

Nearby Attraction: The Cango Caves 

Crocodiles in South Africa

The Crocodiles

The five crocodiles were bred in captivity and are familiar with human movements. The crocodiles are fed three times a week, for their metabolic requirements. They are never fed a meal during the dive. Also, the crocodiles are not lured to the cage; they only approach the cage from their own curiosities.

Cage Diving with Crocodiles in South Africa

Ten-Minute Dive

The dive is fairly short at only ten minutes long, but it is totally worth it. Even after only ten minutes, you will walk away in awe of these modern-day dinosaurs. While we would have loved to be in the water for longer, the dive still gave us a realization of how powerful these predators are.

Cage Diving with Crocodiles in South Africa

Related StoryCage Diving With Great White Sharks In South Africa

How Much Does A Cage Dive Cost?

There is a park entrance fee and an additional fee to cage dive with crocodiles. Click here to see the latest rates.

Crocodiles in South Africa

An Incredible Crocodile Experience

It was comforting to know there was a cage between us. But, at the same time. It was a thrilling adrenaline rush really being able to stare a crocodile in the eye and to have it come right up to the cage with only a small piece of metal between us.

Crocodiles are amazing. Watching them snap their jaws when food was thrown in the water, watching their movements, seeing their attentiveness. It was nothing short of amazing. Crocodiles are powerful and successful predators, which has created a fear in humans. Getting up close and personal with crocodiles at Cango Wildlife Ranch helped to turn some of that fear into respect and admiration for these stunning predators.

It is unique encounters with animals that increase our understanding and appreciation of them.

 Crocodiles in South Africa

Please note that cage diving with crocodiles is closed during some of the winter months.


Would you ever get into a cage to get up close to a Crocodile? 



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