Last Updated on October 17, 2020
I absolutely love sunflowers and a magical sunflower field. Beyond smelling like heaven, I have not found another flower that can lift my spirits quite like sunflowers can. Their yellow petals are bright and cheery, and they carry a warming glow into the Fall months. I love their tall stalks, bright petals that are stretched towards the sun, sunny charm and delightful disposition.
I find it fascinating that sunflowers really turn to face the sun. Both its leaves and flowers are oriented by sunlight. The sun was shining brightly during our visit to the sunflower field and it was neat to see every flower turned in the direction of the sun. Once the flowers are in full bloom, however, they generally remain facing east.
I’ve always wanted to wander a sunflower field, so I was super excited when one was coming to Vancouver. I had been searching for sunflower festivals for a road trip when it was announced and we found out that the same farm in Chilliwack that hosts Tulips Of The Valley in the Spring was creating this dreamy festival. It is only a 75-minute drive from Vancouver to this Fraser Valley attraction. Sunrich Orange sunflowers are available for U-pick and now every morning I have been waking up to their vibrant ‘glow’.
I loved that the inaugural Chilliwack Sunflower Festival also showed that sunflowers come in a number of varieties – ranging from small to very, very large, and yellow petals to red. What I did not realize about sunflowers is how rich in history and meaning they are. Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, and longevity. These flowers are able to provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrancy, just as the sun giving energy through its heat and light. Sunflowers originated in the Americas in 1,000 B.C. and were a valuable food source for centuries. Artists throughout history loved the sunflower’s unique splendor and the use of sunflower images as religious symbols has also been documented in some native societies.
During beautiful summer days, I always find I have an extra spring in my step. During the rainy Fall, sunflowers sure brighten my day and help make the rain bareable with the reminder of sunny days.
Sunflowers lift my spirits too. They make me feel that I am being smiled at, and as such put a smile on my face.
Such delightful photos here. I particularly love some of the close up photos of the sunflowers, and the sunflowers in the foreground with the kids in the background.